Last night, I really really wanted to ball even though it had rained all day, so I went to the courts hoping that there were other desperate ballers like myself. Unfortunately, there were only a few middle school kids who ended up beating my team. But after everyone left, it was just me and this other guy on the full court. Two company workers approached us and asked if we wanted to play 2 on 2. But before we started, they apologized in advance for being drunk. Then to my surprise, my teammate also confessed that he was drunk too. Just my luck, right?
So after the three drunkards airballed their freethrows, we got started. The company workers lost 10-0 twice. And just like a true drunk who shouldn't ask for another bottle of soju, they wanted to play one more game. Actually, their exact words were, "원 모아!" Tempting, but there was nothing rewarding about looking like a superstar to the inebriated...although they put on quite a show for me. But I gotta hand it to them. After having too many drinks, they didn't want to eat, sing, or dance; they wanted to ball! So who's the real desperate one? The drinkers who chose to play basketball or the basketball player who chose to play with drinkers?

My student, Jimmy, had a moment of brilliance yesterday...
Jimmy: Teacher, did you know that George Bush died yesterday?
Me: George Bush?!
Jimmy: Yeah! Didn't you see the news?
Me: George Bush didn't die yesterday!
Jimmy: No. He died three days ago.
Me: Jimmy, do you know who George Bush is?
Jimmy: Yeah! He was the guy who used to be very handsome, but he did plastic surgery many times. Then his nose changed, and he looked like an alien. Then he kept taking medicine, and he died!
Me: George Bush, Jimmy?
Jimmy: Yes! George Bush!
I gave him a moment to redeem himself. Unfortunately, redemption was lost. Poor George Bush.
Thought of the Day: Freak the Mighty
Song of the Day: 2NE1-Pretty boy