Thought of the Day: Giordano Song of the Day: Verbal & Double-Summertime
March 28, 2009
Pas"sion\, n. [F., fr. L. passio, fr. pati, passus, to suffer. See Patient.]1. A suffering or enduring of imposed or inflicted pain.
Basketball. So tiring. So painful. So wonderful.
I finally had my first real 보신탕 meal. Although I didn't hear barking as I was chewing, I couldn't finish it. I'm not known for being a picky person, but dog meat is a NO-GO.
This boy always fools around while we're studying and begs his mom not to hit him after I leave. "한번만 더! 제발!" He knows exactly what he is not supposed to do during class time but lets loose and seeks his mother's mercy after the crimes have been committed. How ironic. I'm just like that with God.
Thought of the Day: F-word Song of the Day: Jisun-어떡하죠
March 25, 2009
For all you old school KCPC kids, guess who's becoming an ordained pastor??? I finally found and bought a Rubik's Cube. I was so happy when I found it because it came in a little plastic coin jar (something that I really needed it as well). I haven't touched one of these things since I was a little kid, so I was surprised by how small the cube felt in, now, my adult hands. But yeah, this crap is still so very hard. "I love this game." I balled last week with some church people. They caused me to invest in a basketball and some new shoes. Now we're gonna play every Saturday morning. But really, I'm definitely no Kobe. I'm more like an Iverson. Ha.
Last night, my student asked me what I wanted for my birthday. When I got home, my dad asked me what I wanted for my birthday. Unfortunately, I'm too embarrassed to tell them that I still want that yellow Lamborghini.
Thought of the Day: LG Song of the Day: BoA-Universe
March 24, 2009
Every single bus had the radio on. Cell phone stores had workers watching the game on their phones. Students and teachers gathered around TVs during class time. I was even able to hear (and feel) everyone cheering during the 5th inning homerun from the floor below me while I was having conversation class with Angelo at LG. In the 9th inning after Korea tied 3-3, I literally almost cried. It was the first time I ever gave my dad a high-five.
And then we lost. To Ichiro. The perfect way to lose.
Our 10th inning pitcher won't be sleeping tonight.
Thought of the Day: 방분. Song of the Day: Yoon Do Hyun Band-물고기와 자전거
March 22, 2009
A Muslim-born policeman recently decided to make his conversion to Christianity public and applied to have his religion changed from "Muslim" to "Christian" on his ID card. In Egypt no one has access to even basic needs without their ID card, but his brother and parents have threatened to kill him because they feel that he has dishonored them. The man has been in hiding and has a 14-year-old daughter who is officially considered Muslim and must study the Koran at school.
Romans 15:30-33-I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. Pray that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea and that my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints there, so that by God's will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed. The God of peace be with you all. Amen. Today, 종성 was telling me how he had tried to find Life of Pi but realized that he couldn't find it because he had searched for "Pie" instead of "Pi." It reminded me of the time in college when Lisa Crawford was helping me with my online math homework problem for a long long time. No matter what, we'd keep getting the answer wrong until I finally realized that I had written in "pie" instead of "pi" in the answer box. Haha. Great memories and lessons...not for Crawford though.
Korea's going to the championship!
Thought of the Day: Psalm 73 Song of the Day: Hungry
March 19, 2009
Thought of the Day: Basketball Song of the Day: Utada Hikaru-On And On
March 15, 2009
This week's persecuted church: Saudi Arabia In September, a Saudi man associated with the religious police cut off his daughter's tongue and then killed her because she had become a believer through the Internet. Her conversion had been discovered after she had posted a blog a few days before her murder. The father used her killing as a warning to others. Saudi Arabia's educational curriculum teaches that is is permissible to kill an apostate.
"I'm not in here with you. You're in here with ME!" Watchmen was pretty political and long. But it was fun. With Enoch. For his birthday.
Simon has the same birthday as Enoch. Although my brother is five years younger than me, he is five times heavier, five times uglier, and now, five times more mature. Ironically, he is the only person in my life who rebukes me these days. As everyone says, "Simon's a good boy."
Thought of the Day: 황사 Song of the Day: Ginny Owens-Be Thou My Vision
March 12, 2009
After watching this scene, I really wanted to play with a Rubics Cube. Anyone know where I can find one in Seoul?
This one's for you, Linda.
If only they had shown more of their tears and joys.
Thought of the Day: 멍 Song of the Day: Brown Eyed Girls-My Style
March 9, 2009
"...cause the greatest rapper of all time died on March 9th. God bless his soul rest in peace kid It's because of him now at least I know what beef is." -Canibus
My white friend, Mike, thinks that Jay-Z is so much better than Biggie. What's wrong with him?! Today, I finally finished reading 콩쥐팥쥐전 (Korean version of Cinderella). In the Korean version, freakin' 팥쥐 drowns 콩쥐, and at the end of the book, 팥쥐 and her mother go to hell! Why do I keep getting the Rated R version of these fairytales? Nevertheless, I finally finished it, so I am very happy. Even my dad congratulated me today! And yet another matter of death. I also just found out today that "Sunny," one of the mean girls in 꽃남, hanged herself on Saturday. What's with these celebrity suicides in Korea? World Baseball Classic 2009 Korea vs. Taipei: 6-0 (Grand slam in the 1st inning!) Korea vs. Japan: 2-14 Korea vs. China: 14-0 Korea vs. Japan: 1-0 (Today's redemptive game)
One of my students thinks that Bruce Lee was really Korean but was just born in Thailand. To top it off, he is convinced that Bruce Lee died because somebody shot him. What's wrong with him?!
Thought of the Day: Vaseline Song of the Day: Eddie-Over
March 7, 2009
This week's persecuted church: Pakistan Two young Christian girls were kidnapped by Muslim men and forced to convert to Islam. The 13-year-old girl named Sala was even forced to marry one of the men. Both girls were tutored and brainwashed into thinking that their Christian parents would harm them if they were to return home. Even after appearing in court before their parents, Sala chose to stay with her Muslim husband. I FINALLY finished reading Edith Hamilton's "Mythology." It was, by far, the boringest book I've read for leisure. It was so bad that I even considered leaving it in the subway after finishing it today. But even with the most dissatisfying books, there are always a handful of quotes that are worth sharing:
"Man is born to sorrow as the sparks fly upward. To live is to suffer and the only solution of the problem of life is to suffer with courage."
"In a maiden's words let no man place faith, Nor in what a woman says. But I know men and women both. Men's minds are unstable toward women."
Some friends of mine have been sharing about going through a quarter-life crisis. I didn't think it really existed, but I think I'm going through one right now too. I keep thinking that I should be doing something different with my life, but I can't seem to think of what that something is. I'm constantly thinking of how I'm not taking advantage of my 20s (whatever that's supposed to mean). Maybe I'm just having workaholicism withdrawal. Whatever, I'm done with "Mythology."
I hadn't seen the Little Mermaid in so many years that I decided to watch it again. Here's the best scene, hands down.
Thought of the Day: American Gangster Song of the Day: Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey-A Whole New World
March 1, 2009
This week's persecuted church: India Christians' homes are being burned down, and they are being forced to convert to Hinduism in Orissa. Nearly 50,000 are homeless and thousands of homes and churches have been burned down. One 32-year-old woman and mother said that her neighbors told her, "If you go on being a Christian, we will burn down your house and your children in front of you, so make up your mind quickly." Although she gave in, inside she prays for peace and freedom from this situation. About half of the Christians of one village have converted to Hinduism and the rest have fled to the jungle to escape. Remember these people.
I know I know. I'm ashamed and am a hypocrite. But I need something to help me with my listening. At least the girl's funny.
I've been sleeping very well these days (like 9+ hours), but I always have disturbing dreams. The most recent one was about meeting a species between humans and monkeys that looked pretty much like us except for a funny looking nose. However, I had fallen in love with one of them, which caused a moral dilemma. What do all these nightmares mean?
I haven't been sick since August. I was on such a good streak and felt so unstoppable that I went out for a run on a really cold night a few days ago even though my dad had warned against it. *sneeze* *sniff* *cough* This is the only time my dad was right about something...that I'll admit. Dang.
Thought of the Day: 3.1 Song of the Day: Girls' Generation-Gee