Proverbs 5:21-For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths.
Thought of the Day: 고성.
Song of the Day: Cool-사랑을 원해
July 31, 2008
July 29, 2008

“I’m tough. I’m indestructible. I’m like that coyote in ‘Road Runner’ who is always getting flattened and dynamited and crushed and in the next scene is strolling along, completely normal again.”
-Joe Melby from The Summer of the Swans
I have never read so much so quickly in my entire life.
Thought of the Day: Sons of the Most High
Song of the Day: 태양-넌 나만 바라봐
July 27, 2008
On Saturday, my student was telling me about how he didn't understand that "lol" meant "laughing out loud." So when he was inside a chatroom, everyone was using "lol," whereupon he typed "lollipop" to fit in with the conversation. Everyone told him to shut up and kicked him out of the server. This story really made me LOL.
I just finished Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451." I think it started off well but ran out of gas towards the latter half. Ain't no "1984." Anyways, I think the author said some very good things in his interview:
“It has nothing to do with pay. Either you love what you’re dong, or…Look, I wrote for years, and I wasn’t paid. My love carried me through all those years. I sold newspapers on the street corner. When I was twenty-two, I was making ten dollars a week. When I started making twenty dollars a week from selling stories, I quit selling newspapers. You’re either in love with what you do, or you’re not in love.”
“Reading is at the center of our lives. The library is our brain. Without the library, you have no civilization.”
I like that last quote. Everyone knows I have a great heart for movies, but every book does something special that movies will never be able to do. These days, books ARE my movies (until Dark Knight)!
I start summer intensives tomorrow. If you need someone or something to pray about, there you go. I know I'll be.
Thought of the Day: Yom Da Bomb & Enoch The Hotdog
Song of the Day: Yom Da Bomb-I'm Yours
I just finished Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451." I think it started off well but ran out of gas towards the latter half. Ain't no "1984." Anyways, I think the author said some very good things in his interview:
“It has nothing to do with pay. Either you love what you’re dong, or…Look, I wrote for years, and I wasn’t paid. My love carried me through all those years. I sold newspapers on the street corner. When I was twenty-two, I was making ten dollars a week. When I started making twenty dollars a week from selling stories, I quit selling newspapers. You’re either in love with what you do, or you’re not in love.”
“Reading is at the center of our lives. The library is our brain. Without the library, you have no civilization.”
I like that last quote. Everyone knows I have a great heart for movies, but every book does something special that movies will never be able to do. These days, books ARE my movies (until Dark Knight)!
I start summer intensives tomorrow. If you need someone or something to pray about, there you go. I know I'll be.
Thought of the Day: Yom Da Bomb & Enoch The Hotdog
Song of the Day: Yom Da Bomb-I'm Yours
July 25, 2008
July 24, 2008
Nobody ever calls me, but the one time I didn't have my phone for a few days, a flood of people tried to contact me. It's like having countless free weekends but having no one to hang out with. Then there's that one weekend when you're called into work on a Saturday, and the whole world suddenly decides to see if you can play. You're right, Alanis. It really is ironic. Murphy's Law or whatever, right?

I finished "1984," which was totally good! Now I'm reading "Farenheit 451," which is very intriguing. Although many of my friends read all these good books in high school for English honors, I'm kind of glad that I'm reading them now when I can actually appreciate them. It all started with "The Good Earth." Subsequently, "Life of Pi" really threw me into a reading frenzy. You should see the stack of books I have on my desk now. I believe "bibliophile" is the word.
So I had all these funny stories from work I really wanted to write about, but I can't seem to remember any of them. Wonderful anecdotes forever lost! Sorry.
Thought of the Day: Shy.
Song of the Day: 태양-나만 바라봐

I finished "1984," which was totally good! Now I'm reading "Farenheit 451," which is very intriguing. Although many of my friends read all these good books in high school for English honors, I'm kind of glad that I'm reading them now when I can actually appreciate them. It all started with "The Good Earth." Subsequently, "Life of Pi" really threw me into a reading frenzy. You should see the stack of books I have on my desk now. I believe "bibliophile" is the word.
So I had all these funny stories from work I really wanted to write about, but I can't seem to remember any of them. Wonderful anecdotes forever lost! Sorry.
Thought of the Day: Shy.
Song of the Day: 태양-나만 바라봐
July 20, 2008
So it turns out that the 730 bus doesn't even go to 압구정. I was walking around for an hour in the pouring rain looking for a bus that didn't even exist. I think I had confused it with the 472 bus.

I've been playing with these two boys a lot these days.

The year I was born was a very dark year.
I've been reading a lot these days.

It's been raining a lot these days.

My brother is in Paraguay these days. Please pray for him.
A few nights ago, I couldn't remember if my real age was 23, 24, or 25. My youth group kids are going to be seniors in high school. Christine Kim is going to be a senior in college. Not only are we getting older, but so are the things that we own.
A few weeks ago, the sound in my right earphone started to go on and off. At first, I thought it was a problem with the song. Then I thought it was the ipod. Now, I know that my earphones are just getting old. I'm sure Enoch can relate...kinda.
Last week, one of my students asked if I had a cell phone. I told her yes. She asked if she could see it. I took out it out of my pocket. She looked at it and started laughing. Tomorrow, I'm going to change my phone.
Last night, I broke my glasses. This morning, I told my dad that I needed new glasses. He told me that it was time to get an eye exam anyways since it's been two years. Two years!
Last week, I was browsing through some of my past entries, and I found myself being fascinated by the many things I had gone through these past two years. I don't mean to brag, but I'm a freakin' warrior...
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
...because of Christ.
Thought of the Day: 번호 이동.
Song of the Day: Natalie Grant-In Christ Alone

I've been playing with these two boys a lot these days.

The year I was born was a very dark year.
I've been reading a lot these days.

It's been raining a lot these days.

My brother is in Paraguay these days. Please pray for him.
A few nights ago, I couldn't remember if my real age was 23, 24, or 25. My youth group kids are going to be seniors in high school. Christine Kim is going to be a senior in college. Not only are we getting older, but so are the things that we own.
A few weeks ago, the sound in my right earphone started to go on and off. At first, I thought it was a problem with the song. Then I thought it was the ipod. Now, I know that my earphones are just getting old. I'm sure Enoch can relate...kinda.
Last week, one of my students asked if I had a cell phone. I told her yes. She asked if she could see it. I took out it out of my pocket. She looked at it and started laughing. Tomorrow, I'm going to change my phone.
Last night, I broke my glasses. This morning, I told my dad that I needed new glasses. He told me that it was time to get an eye exam anyways since it's been two years. Two years!
Last week, I was browsing through some of my past entries, and I found myself being fascinated by the many things I had gone through these past two years. I don't mean to brag, but I'm a freakin' warrior...
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
...because of Christ.
Thought of the Day: 번호 이동.
Song of the Day: Natalie Grant-In Christ Alone
July 13, 2008
I don't know how many times I've told people about how jealous I am of this year's Mongolia team. I really really wanted to go this year, but the only thing that was holding me back was my job. Although it's a very legit reason to not go, I had all these crazy fantasies of just quitting my job so that I could do "the Lord's work."
This year, Zen went to Eritrea, Joanne went to Pyongyang, Mike & co. go to Mongolia, and Simon will be going to Paraguay. These are just a handful of the thousands of Christians who go to different cities and countries all over the world to further the Gospel. But what about you and me? What the heck are we doing?
One valuable thing that I learned from visiting Dinko in China back in February was that his life really wasn't too different from mine. He's abroad. I'm abroad. He teaches English to teenagers. I teach English to teenagers. He's had opportunities to share the Gospel with students and coworkers. I've had opportunities to share the Gospel with students and coworkers. But the funny thing is Dinko is on "missions," while Phil is making money in Korea. What's going on here?
I've come to realize more and more that we're all on "missions" all the time. Anything we are called to do in our life is the "Lord's work" that He has given us to do. Pastor Dennis who preaches in downtown Los Angeles every Sunday morning is doing his mission. Momo who cooks and cleans for her husband and daughter everyday is doing her mission. Then surely, Phil who teaches at his hakwon and tutors his students is doing his mission. Just as it would be ridiculous for a pastor to consider abandoning his church to help out another ministry in another country, it is ridiculous for me to consider quitting my job just to go and serve in Mongolia for a short period. As Colossians 3:23 tells us, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord..."
Besides, the Church needs senders too.
Thought of the Day: Iron Lung.
Song of the Day: Lifehouse-Take Me Away
July 9, 2008
"Maybe she didn't even remember him. He was sure it made no difference to her on which day he appeared: for her, everyday was the same, and when everyday is the same as the next, it's because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises."
-The Alchemist
Thought of the Day: Yom!
Song of the Day: DJ DOC-여름 이야기
-The Alchemist
Thought of the Day: Yom!
Song of the Day: DJ DOC-여름 이야기
July 8, 2008
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