Today, on the bus, one of my coworkers was talking about Kaplan, and he pronounced it kuh-plan. He sounded so stupid that I couldn't even correct him for pronouncing it wrong. I mean, he's white! He should know better!
I had a private class with a new student, and he said he saw a funny picture of me. It turns out that my boss has a copy of one of my high school pictures (above), which I use for my gmail profile picture, in her office. Apparently, she even likes to show it to new students whom I've never met before.
In that same class, I was speaking and my voice cracked really hard. I tried to play it off by acting as if nothing ever happened, but I saw my student chuckling to himself.
In the subway station, I saw a man accidentally step on a girl's heel so hard that she turned around and gave him the most upset look. She made him feel so embarrassed that he yelled, "아가씨!" as she furiously walked away.
Last week, one of my TOEFL kids started pointing out that one of the other students had a habit of saying, "Yap," whenever she couldn't think of what to say during the speaking section. His impersonation was so funny that even I was laughing. She was so embarrassed and told me that I was a terrible teacher for laughing. Too bad that that only made me laugh harder. Man, her face was cherry red.
Steve Martin once said, "Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is." I think Mr. Martin's words are very wise and true.
Thought of the Day: Individualities.
Song of the Day: Yoon Do Hyun Band-사랑할거야