i have 5 hours to write a 10 page paper. well, at least that WAS my goal.

this morning, i got a chance to meet up with Eminem at his house with a bunch of young children. his house wasn't anything extravagant like the houses on MTV Cribs. in fact, the paint was coming off everywhere and it looked like he had been there all his life. anyways, i'm not much of an Eminem fan but i was really excited to see him in person. we went into his room and i looked at some cds he had lying around his dresser.
me: WU-TANG CLAN?! I love Wu-Tang Clan!
Eminem: RZA, man.
then he started giving away cds that he had done with Wu-Tang to those dumb kids.
before all of this, i dreamt that EM was having some crazy performance night where the college group got into 4 groups to dance and sing in front of a packed audience inside the sanctuary. the funny thing was that 3 of the groups had all decided to do their own rendition of the Sound of Music's "So Long, Farewell". after the first two groups had gone, the crowds were going crazy. but what really set off the night was when dinko's group (consisting of dinko and all of his high school friends-david, phillip, steve, etc.) did this rock concert version of Crazy Little Thing Called Love. my group, the last ones to go, had no hope. two of the groups had already done our same song and stupid dinko had outperformed all. when we got up there (Terrance and Ken were in my group), we had forgotten all of our moves and i ended up repeating the same moves from Youth Group's Cafe Nite. the audience was unimpressed and disappointed-absolutely no cheering. afterwards, dinko and his friends wanted to celebrate so we all went to some house party. they had run out of something and dinko really wanted me to go to Costco with him. i was already annoyed by him b/c he had done so well with the concert. man, he's never bugged me for so long just to go to stupid Costco.
finally, weyman, two other guys, and i ended up in a Saw-like environment full of dangerous puzzles. the two other guys got separated from us and weyman and i had to play this crazy version of Super Mario World to get past this certain stage. the frustrating thing was that after we had to gone so far and got to a particular stage, the game would start all over! this happened twice. still frustrated, the dream transformed once again, and i was back to dinko bugging me to take him and his friends to Costco.
i've never remembered a dream this long with so many details. i hate dinko.
my brother got his license two days ago. andrew kim gave me his burner yesterday. maybe today, a black 60gb ipod will fall from the sky and into my hands. nope, all i see is a lot of rain.
i now have less than 4 hours to write my paper.
Thought of the Day: Complete.
Song of the Day: The Mamas And The Papas-California Dreamin'