my good friend, justin, turned 22 the other day. it's weird how 22 seems so much older than 21. i know everybody says this but, dang, we're getting old(er). i was just emailing doe and was telling her that i wish i could just have ONE day where i don't have a single thing to do. "not a single student, lesson plan, family activity, thing to fix, person to email *HINT HINT*, nothing. i just want to sleep in, eat some of my mom's food, and sit on my butt all day...kinda like the description from Office Space." man, a lot of growing up involves being busier and busier with more and more responsibilities and responsibilites. even whenever i talk to justin on the phone, that guy always seems to be doing so much (hmmm, i wonder if he lies to me).
i picked up ANOTHER student to tutor the other day, which would give me a total of 4 private students WHILE doing christian academy for the next 6 weeks. i know i know. why do you keep taking students when you're already so busy and complain about it? 3 reasons. 1. it's temporary. 2. the money is good. 3. korean mothers don't understand the phrases "NO" or "I CAN'T." i guess those reasons don't realy justify my complaining...but really, i'm not complaining. i'm merely informing of my nerve racking schedule.
devotionals are hard to make time for. it finally hit me that i've been relying so much on habit and routine that i've been so consistent with quiet times and such. but the Lord has revealed that i'm not so faithful once i get a tougher schedule in a very different environment. man, i really need intimacy with God. i make time to email and blog but no time to read and pray. a busy, productive life is good. a busy, productive life that controls me is bad. remember that, kids...remember that, phil.
Thought of the Day: Stupid 7th graders.
Song of the Day: Foo Fighters-No Way Back